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Here you can find out about all upcoming events, talks and shows
hosted and Supported by Best Health Food Shop.
The Best Health Food Shop Tour, with Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, has returned for 2024!
Please click on the link below to jump to the relevant information about an upcoming event:
Are You Tired All The Time?
How To Control Pain and Inflammation Naturally
Special Savings on Advance Ticket Prices – Limited Tickets Available
Best Health Food Shop has once again teamed up with the UK's leading nutritionist specialising in women's health, Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD.
The event topics and dates and locations are:
Are You Tired All The Time? - 18th May - Tunbridge Wells, Kent
How To Control Pain and Inflammation Naturally - 15th Jun - Lewes, East Sussex
You can find full details of each of these individual events by clicking the links above or scrolling down the page below.
Are You Tired All The Time?
Royal Wells Hotel, 59 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8BE
Special Savings on Advance Ticket Prices – Limited Tickets Available
Saturday 18th May 2024: 10am – 12.30pm - Tired All The Time? Talk
Tired All The Time?
How To Get Your Energy Back, Sleep Well, Improve Your Memory and Reduce Stress And Anxiety
If you find yourself yawning a lot or even nodding off as soon as you sit down on a chair or sofa you may be suffering from fatigue or as it is often called these days – TATT - tired all the time.
Come to this talk given by Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD to find out how to get your energy back so you are not tired of feeling tired all the time. Get practical tips to reduce stress and anxiety in your life, improve your memory and have a good night’s sleep.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
“My brain just feels foggy all the time. I can’t concentrate and I’m making lots of silly mistakes at work.”
“It doesn’t matter how much sleep I have; I STILL feel exhausted the next day. It’s a struggle just getting through the day without napping.”
“I feel sluggish, heavy, and frustrated. My grandson even questioned if I still loved him as I don’t play with him much anymore. It’s heart-breaking but I just don’t have the energy most the time.”
If it does, then don’t miss this opportunity to join Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, to help you get your energy back and improve your general health.
There may be a definite reason you feel constantly tired and exhausted and haven’t got enough energy to get you through the day. Book yourself a place on this talk to find out whether there is an underlying cause to your tiredness.
Tiredness… fatigue… exhaustion.
Whatever you want to label it…is debilitating.
You wake up foggy and heavy headed. It takes all your strength to haul yourself out of bed, because it feels like an elephant is sat on your head.
As you stumble to the bathroom, you wonder how you’re going to make it through the day.
By lunchtime you’re struggling to concentrate on anything, and your head begins to pound.
Your muscles ache, your head aches, and you’re frustrated, low, and desperate to get home where you can just slump in a chair and close your eyes.
Extreme tiredness/fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or weakness and can be physical, mental or a combination of both.
It can affect anyone, and most adults will experience fatigue at some point in their life.
For many people, fatigue is caused by a combination of lifestyle, psychological and general health issues BUT it can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Until you know what’s causing your massive dip in energy, you won’t be able to figure out how to reverse it.
This talk is for you if:
- • You’re struggling with constant tiredness and fatigue
• You struggle with poor quality sleep or insomnia
• You are worried you have underlying health conditions causing tiredness
• You feel generally low, unmotivated, and want to get your spark back
• You find it hard to unwind and switch of
The good news is many causes of tiredness and fatigue can be prevented or controlled better with the right nutrition.
In this talk, Dr. Glenville will show you how to successfully overcome tiredness, improve your quality of sleep, all while boosting your energy, improving your general health, and feeling physically stronger than you have in years!
This special talk is a breakthrough approach to managing tiredness and fatigue: giving you choice, control, and freedom.
During this event, you’ll discover:
*Exactly what and when to eat to improve your energy, reduce stress, and help reduce wild mood swings – timing is everything and could be causing your symptoms.
• What you can do to help you stop feeling tired but wired and to improve not only the quantity but also quality of your sleep
• The vitamins, minerals and herbs proven to help improve your energy and sleep and dangerous levels of stress and anxiety.
• What you can do to improve your memory and concentration
*The 8 possible underlying causes of tiredness including Long Covid
*The vitamin D/depression connection…and how to ensure you’re getting enough to stay healthy
* And much more
Feeling low and tired all the time is tough…but you don’t need to suffer anymore!
In this talk, Dr. Glenville will show you how to successfully overcome tiredness, improve your quality of sleep, all while boosting your energy, improving your general health and feeling physically stronger than you have in years.
So you can:
*Feel full of energy and life
*Feel strong, enthusiastic, and confident.
*Feel healthy, free-from constant anxiety, and ready for whatever life throws your way.
There will be plenty of time for questions and answers during the talk one-to-one personal questions during the break and at the end of the event.
Please note, there are only a limited number of seats so book now to avoid missing out.
As seats are limited, tickets are non-refundable as other people will have missed out on the opportunity to attend.
Royal Wells Hotel, 59 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8BE
- Sat 18th May 10am – 12.30pm –Tired All The Time? Talk
50% Off for Early Bird Super Saver Ticket. Only available for a limited amount of time (RRP £40)
Please click the button below to reserve you place and to book you ticket
How To Control Pain and Inflammation Naturally
Cliffe Hall, Cliffe High Street, Lewes, England, BN7 2AH
Special Savings on Advance Ticket Prices – Limited Tickets Available
Saturday 15th Jun 10am – 12.30pm - How To Control Pain and Inflammation Naturally: Your Path To Wellness Talk
How To Control Pain and Inflammation Naturally: Your Path To Wellness
Don’t miss this opportunity to come and see Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health.
Is inflammation ruling your life?
If you are suffering from any kind of inflammation such as:
• Arthritis, joint pain
• Fibromyalgia,
• Skin problems e.g. eczema, dermatitis,
• Inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, diverticulitis
• Painful periods
• Endometriosis
• Rheumatoid arthritis,
• Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
• Other conditions associated with pain and soreness
then join Dr Glenville for an eye-opening look at the root cause of dozens of chronic health problems caused by inflammation.
You’ll find out what inflammation is, how it gets out of control and simple, natural solutions you can use straightaway.
This talk will show you what natural remedies can help with pain and inflammation. There will be tips on what foods to eat to help reduce inflammation and also what to avoid.
Today, you can face an epidemic of chronic health conditions. Chronic pain, digestive problems, arthritis, heart conditions, degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes and more have all been on the rise for the last 20 years.
Underneath each of them is one common theme: inflammation.
Inflammation is your body’s natural healthy response to a threat. It destroys infections, viruses, and parasites. But due to many factors in modern life, it gets out of control.
Unchecked, it can become a constant fire raging in your body––often for decades. It destroys your cells and tissues. Over time, it can become a chronic condition. The effects are subtle at first, and can manifest in many different ways as mentioned above as well as
- • Chronic pain, soreness
• Persistent weight gain
• Feeling chronically tired, fatigued, or low energy
• Redness, swelling, or heat in your body for no apparent reason
• Constantly feeling a little depressed, anxious, or like you’re living in a fog
• Persistent infections that never quite clear up
Fortunately, with a few key shifts, you can get the fires of inflammation under control and experience a renewed sense of health and well-being.
In a new ground-breaking talk, Dr. Marilyn Glenville, PhD will explain in simple, clear language exactly what inflammation is, how it gets out of balance, and what you can do to get it back under control––naturally.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
- • Special dietary guidelines for reducing inflammation quickly
• Dr. Glenville’s “Gold Standard” anti-inflammatory diet
• The hidden connection between stress and inflammation and why this is critical
• Nature’s most powerful herbs for reducing pain and inflammation, and where to find the best quality
• How you can get your gut bacteria to control inflammation for you
• Easy tests for inflammation so you can take the right steps for YOUR health
• A surprising nutrient that works wonders for pain
• The secret of “timing of your food” and why this is so important for managing inflammation
• The link between painkillers and leaky gut pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about
• Inflammageing – how inflammation makes you age faster
• How inflammation can lead to dozens of degenerative diseases
• Simple, natural ways to reduce inflammation quickly
Don’t miss this opportunity to get to the root cause of so many modern health problems!
There will be plenty of time for questions and answers during the talk one-to-one personal questions during the break and at the end of the event.
Please note, there are only a limited number of seats so book now to avoid missing out.
As seats are limited, tickets are non-refundable as other people will have missed out on the opportunity to attend.
Cliffe Hall, Cliffe High Street, Lewes, England, BN7 2AH
- Sat 15th Jun 10am – 12.30pm – Balancing Your Hormones Naturally Talk
50% Off for Early Bird Super Saver Ticket. Only available for a limited amount of time (RRP £40)
Please click the button below to reserve you place and to book you ticket